
Léon Bakst

Portrait of Alexander Benois. Watercolor and pastel on paper. 1898. The Russian Museum
24 February 2016—9 May 2016

Léon Bakst (1866-1924) is a world-known master of painting and drawing, whose impact on the flourishing of Russian theatrical and decorative art is hard to overestimate. His designs for costumes and decorations were great part of the success of Sergey Diaghilev's "Les saisons russes" - ballet and opera performances in Russia, France and other countries. The art of Bakst largely influenced theatrical art all over the world. It became an outstanding example of a thoughtful combination of experiments with form and interest to the artistic tradition of the Ancient East and antiquity. 

The exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the master presents around 100 works from the Russian museum collection and other museums. 

The exhibition is sponsored by VTB Bank

Self-portrait. 1893. Oil on cardboard. The Russian Museum Rain in the Street. France. 1893 (?). Oil on wood. The Russian Museum Poster for a Charity Doll Bazar. 1899. Pastel on cardboard. The Russian Museum. Supper. 1902. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum Portrait of Marina Gritsenko in childhood. 1905. Pastel on canvas. The Russian Museum Study of costume for Ida Rubinshtein for ballet “Cleopatra” (“Egyptian Nights”). Watercolor, graphite pencil and bronze color on paper mounted on cardboard. 1909. St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music. Two Boeotian Women. Costumes for Bronislava Nizhinskaya and Vera Fokina.  Water color, graphite pencil and silver color on cream-laid paper. St. Petersburg State Museum of Theatre and Music. Portrait of Sergey Diaghilev with his Nanny. 1906. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum. Terror Antiquus. 1908. Oil on canvas. The Russian Museum

Alexander Deineka: Praiser of a New Life. 125th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

Alexander Deineka: Praiser of a New Life. 125th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

21 February—14 April 2025

The Russian Museum owns a unique collection of works by Alexander Deineka, one of the most prominent artists of the Soviet period of the 20th century. The unique mosaics that have not been displayed for the last 50 years are the highlight of the exhibition.

Pyotr Ossovsky. 100th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

Pyotr Ossovsky. 100th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

20 February—31 March 2025

The exhibition marks the centennial anniversary of Pyotr Ossovsky (1925–2015), a painter, graphic artist, People’s Artist of the USSR (1989), winner of the USSR State Prize (1985) and full member of the Russian Academy of Arts (1995). The oeuvre of this artist takes pride of place in Russian culture.

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The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


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Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


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