/ / / / RAFA FORTEZA. Existential Alchemy

RAFA FORTEZA. Existential Alchemy

RAFA FORTEZA. Existential Alchemy

RAFA FORTEZA. Existential Alchemy

Editor in chief: E. Petrova. Articles: Jose Carlos Llop, Carlos Jover, Bel Font, Txema Gonzalez Bravo.
Palace Edition, St Petersburg, 2011.
144 pages, 74 coloured illustrations and 7 photographs.
Format: 32x 24 cm.; English, Russian.
Victor Safonkin

Victor Safonkin

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Article: A. Borovsky, A.Uspensky
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
112 pages; 48 coloured illustrations and 2 photos.
Format: 32 x 24 cm; Russian, English.

Birgit Freybe Bateman

Birgit Freybe Bateman

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Articles: E. Petrova, G. Guroff, B. F. Bateman
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
84 pages; 67 coloured illustrations and 1 photo.
Format: 24 x 22 cm; Russian, English.

Nelson Shanks

Nelson Shanks

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Articles: D. Dodge Thompson, N. Shanks, C. Robert, L. Shakirova, James R. Abbott.
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
160 pages; 81 coloured illustrations and 11 photos.
Format: 32 x 24 cm; Russian, English.

Alexander Tihomirov

Alexander Tihomirov

Articles: Lyubov Shakirova.
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011
224 pages; 200 coloured illustrations and 4 photographs.
Format: 32 x 24 cm; English, Russian.

Unofficial Meeting. From the Brykina collection (Switzerland)

Unofficial Meeting. From the Brykina collection (Switzerland)

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Articles: L. Shakirova, Jean-Claude Marcade
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
192 pages; 76 coloured illustrations and 17 photos.
Format: 32 x 24 cm; Russian, English

Gregory Dembovsky

Gregory Dembovsky

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Articles: A. Borovsky, M. Chegodaeva
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
176 pages; 170 coloured illustrations and 1 photo.
Format: 32 x 24 cm; Russian, English

Eminent Folk Art Collectors

Eminent Folk Art Collectors

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Article: I. Boguslavskaya
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
144 pages; 353 coloured illustrations and 18 photos.
Format: 24 x 22 cm; Russian

Meteor Trail. Art of the Peoples of the North 1920-1930

Meteor Trail. Art of the Peoples of the North 1920-1930

Editor-in-chief: E. Petrova; Articles: G. Chugunov, L. Slavova, T.  Smirnova, N. Fedorova
Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2011.
132 pages; 111 coloured illustrations and 7 photos.
Format: 24 x 22 cm; Russian

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