This book serves as an introduction to the oeuvre of a contemporary Moscow artist of the 1960s generation. The album section follows after two articles: the first one covers Myznikov's creative life and origins of artistic decisions in his works, the other one was written by the painter himself in the mid 1970s as thoughts about his oeuvre. The publication is accompanied by the artist's biography, a list of the most prominent events in his life and exhibitions with his contribution, as well as by a list of publications dedicated to Gennady Myznikov.
The publication is supported by ROSIZO State Museum and Exhibition Centre; Institute of Russian Realistic Art; Luxembourg-Russian Art Partnership
Relief in Russia of the 18th – early 21 centuries from the Russian Museum collections
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Articles: P.Belsky, E.Karpova, M.Stekolnikova
Palace Editions, St.Petersburg, 2013
180 pages, 169 coloured illustrations
Format: 22x24; Russian
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: V.Simonov
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2013
96 pages, 80 coloured illustrations, 2 photographs
Format: 22x24; Russian, English
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: A.Borovsky
Palace Editions, St.Petersburg, 2013
120 pages, 84 coloured illustrations, 2 photographs
Format: 32x24; Russian, English
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova.
Articles: A.Borovsky, L.Shakirova
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2013
160 pages, 138 coloured illustrations, 1 photograph
Format: 30x30; Russian, English
2nd Biennale of Historical and Archival Photography from Russian Museums and Archives
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Articles: I.Antonova, E.Bronnikova, S.Volkova, I.Zhukova, A.Zaichukhina, S.Zinchenko, T.Zorina, A.Ignatiev, K.Kondratiev, T.Konyakina, A.Loginov, N.Muravieva, V.Nikiforova, DOrlov, V.Pokudin, E.Sazanova, E.Sazonova, M.Sakhno, A.Semenova, V.Tarasova.
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2013
256 pages, 309 coloured illustrations
Format: 32x24; Russian, English
Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: A.Borovsky
Palace Editions, St.Petersburg, 2013
200 pages, 177 coloured illustrations
Format: 32x24; Russian, English
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The State Russian Museum
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