/ / / / Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Articles: V.Lenyashin, A.Yakimovich
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
132 pages, 62 coloured illustrations, 1 photograph
Format: 30x30; Russian, English
The Art of the Belskys

The Art of the Belskys

The Art of the Belskys

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova

Article: S.Moiseeva

Annotations: S.Moiseeva, A.Maksimova, N.Bakhareva, E.Orehova, I.Basova

Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019

72 pages, 62 coloured illustrations

Format: 22x24; Russian

Alexander III. Collector and Patron

Alexander III. Collector and Patron

Alexander III. Collector and Patron

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova

Articles: J.Demidenko,E.Karpova, P.Klimov, M.Menshikova, N.Solomatina,

J.Solonovich, I.Panchenko, E.Shilova

Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019

204 pages, 288 coloured illustrations

Format: 22x24; Russian

Echo of Expressionism

Echo of Expressionism

Echo of Expressionism

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova

Article: E.Andreeva 

Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019

108 pages, 159 coloured illustrations

Format: 22x24; Russian

To the shores of Antarctica and Arctica. Art works from the Russian Museum Collection

To the shores of Antarctica and Arctica. Art works from the Russian Museum Collection

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: R.Bakhtiarov
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
96 pages, 169 coloured illustrations
Format: 22x24; Russian

Alexander Myasoyedov. “Carnival in Rome” painting from the Russian Museum Collection

Alexander Myasoyedov. “Carnival in Rome” painting from the Russian Museum Collection

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: V.Kadochnikova
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
12 pages, 7 coloured illustrations
Format: 21x23; Russian

The Ludwig Museum at the Russian Museum. Guide

The Ludwig Museum at the Russian Museum. Guide

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Articles: E.Andreeva, A.Belova, A.Borovsky, N.Vasilieva, M.German, I.Karasik, A.Karlova,  M.Kostriz, V.Perz, M.Saltanova, O.Turkina, A.Uspensky, B.Frantsen
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
128 pages, 78 coloured illustrations
Format: 21x15; Russian

Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Routes of the Yenisey. Paintings of Nikolay Rybakov

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Articles: V.Lenyashin, A.Yakimovich
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
132 pages, 62 coloured illustrations, 1 photograph
Format: 30x30; Russian, English

Valaam: 200 years in Russian Painting

Valaam: 200 years in Russian Painting

Editor-in-chief: E.Petrova
Article: S.Krivondenchenkov
Palace Editions, St. Petersburg, 2019
132 pages, 105 coloured illustrations, 5 photographs
Format: 22x24; Russian

To the 30th anniversary of the Valaam monastery

1, 2, 3, 4
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