

Supported by:
  • Sistema Finance Investments
  • OJSC Mobile TeleSystems
G.Ugryumov. The Election of Michael Romanov as Tsar on 13 March 1613. 1800. 1731. Oil on canvas
4 April 2013—23 December 2013
This exhibition is dedicated to the significant event of the Russian history - the anniversary of the election of Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov as tsar, who was a founder of the new dynasty. Last time the anniversary of this event that was held 14 March 1613, was celebrated as a State holiday in 1913. After the October Revolution the significant event, that finished the epoch of the so-called Strife Time, as a rule, had been distorted or glossed over. In 2013 the anniversary of Romanovs House would be once again celebrated as the significant event. The exposition includes about 150 paintings, sculptures, graphic works, applied arts works and coins from the collection of the Russian Museum that are connected with the theme of foundation of the new dynasty. Among these works are the monumental canvas The Election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar (1799) that was created by G.Ugryumov for the St. Michael's Castle; graphic works devoted to this event; paintings and sculpture portraits of members of Emperor's family by L.Karavak, G.Odolsky, F.Shubin, S.Torelli, S.Shchukin, G.Dow, M.Antokolsky and other artists of the 18th - beginning of 20th centuries. Also on the exhibition is working on-line catalogue which gives the viewers an opportunity to acquaint with the Album of Drawings, created by the artists during the Sacred Coronation in 1896.

Unknown artist. Genealogic Tree of Russian Monarchs. 1731. Oil on canvas G.Ugryumov. The Election of Michael Romanov as Tsar on 13 March 1613. 1800. 1731. Oil on canvas Deposition of the Holy Robe by Tsar Michael Romanov and His Father Patriarch Filaret. Icon. 16th — early 17th century. Tempera on wood. S.Torelli. Coronation Portrait of Catherine II. Between 1763 and 1766. Oil on canvas. S.Egornov. Portrait of the Heir to the Throne Alexis Nikolay. 1911. Oil on canvas J.H.Benner. Portrait of Tsar Michael Feodorovich Romanov. 1821. Watercolours on paper mounted on metal plate. Miniature.

300th Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences. Illustrated Academic Publications of the Mid-18th Century from the Collection of the Russian Museum

300th Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences. Illustrated Academic Publications of the Mid-18th Century from the Collection of the Russian Museum

20 December 2024—17 March 2025

The exhibition timed to the 300th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences presents illustrated academic publications of the mid-18th century from the collection of the Russian Museum.

Russian Academic Painting of the Second Half of the 18th – First Half of the 19th Centuries

Russian Academic Painting of the Second Half of the 18th – First Half of the 19th Centuries

5 December 2024—31 May 2025

The Russian Museum owns a brilliant collection of Russian academic art. Visitors to St Michael’s Castle can enjoy renowned masterpieces by Grigory Ugryumov, Vladimir Borovikovsky, Sylvester Shchedrin, Fidelio Bruni, Orest Kiprensky, Alexander Ivanov and other prominent masters of Russian art.

Also in the Russian Museum
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Collection highlights
Collection highlights

The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


Virtual tours
Virtual tours

Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


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