
"IVAN MARTOS, WELL-KNOWN AND UNKNOWN…". The portrait in the sculptor´s oeuvre On the 250-th birth anniversary

"IVAN MARTOS, WELL-KNOWN AND UNKNOWN…". The portrait in the sculptor´s oeuvre On the 250-th birth anniversary
15 December 2005—15 May 2006
The exhibition is dedicated to the jubilee of the prominent monumentalist Ivan Martos (1754-1835), presenting the viewers little-studied part of his oeuvre - easel portraits. The exhibition shows numerous preserved works by the master in this genre, including portraits by N. Panin, M. Golitsyn, G. Potemkin-Tavrichesky and Alexander I from the collection of the Russian Museum as well as unknown portraits of I. Betsky, P. Soimonov, A. Lerberg and I. Dmitriyev from the collection of the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum Preserve, Museum of Mines, Russian National Library and Mikhail Lomonosov Museum of the Russian Academy of Science. A catalogue for the exhibition has been published.
In Memory of Irina Boguslavskaya. 95th Anniversary of Her Birth

In Memory of Irina Boguslavskaya. 95th Anniversary of Her Birth

21 November 2024—31 January 2025

The exhibition is devoted to Irina Boguslavskaya (1929–2021), one of the leading researchers of folk art, Doctor of Art History, Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR. From 1963 to 2019, she headed the Folk Art Department of the Russian Museum. The exhibition features a variety of items related to Irina Boguslavskaya’s research activities, many artworks, such as items of peasant everyday life, handicrafts etc.

Karl the Great. 225th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

Karl the Great. 225th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth

18 October 2024—12 May 2025

The anniversary exhibition of “Karl the Great”. Karl Brullov needs no special introduction. He was the only Russian classical artist of the 19th century who gained fame in Europe in his lifetime and worldwide recognition after his death. He certainly had natural gift for painting. Moreover, he was a highly qualified professional of brilliant and fascinating personality. Only Brullov was honoured with a kind of title “Karl the Great” that showed the appreciation and admiration of his colleagues, art connoisseurs, and students during his lifetime.


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