The display shows masterpieces representing the variety of trends in Russian art of the time (classicism, romantism, and beginning in the second third of the XIX century realism). The works by academic school masters are also widely represented: the canvases by Karl Brullov (the famous «The Last Days of Pompeii», religious compositions and portraits of the artist’s contemporaries), historical paintings by Grigory Ugryumov, Alexander Ivanov, Alexey Egorov, Fyodor Bruni.
The display highlights are landscapes by Sylvestr Schedrin, painted while his stay in Italy, as well as the works by Alexander Ivanov (the studies and the big sketch to the well-known canvas «Christ’s Appearance to the People», storied in the Tretyakov Gallery). The display also includes canvases by the most prominent romantism diadochos of Russian portraiture Orest Kiprensky, an outstanding marine artist Ivan Aivazovsky, leading genre painters Pavel Fedotov, Alexey Venetsianov and his students (Grigory Soroka, Alexey Tyranov etc). Moreover, the department shows the statues by significant sculptors of the epoch (Ivan Martos, Stepan Pimenov, Nikolai Pimenov, Vasily Demut-Malinovsky, Boris Orlovsky etc). White Hall, an independent part of the first half of the XIX century display, is the only interior of Mikhaiovsky Palace which has preserved its original design and interior objects made according to the sketches by architect Rossi.
In Memory of Irina Boguslavskaya. 95th Anniversary of Her Birth
21 November 2024—31 January 2025
The exhibition is devoted to Irina Boguslavskaya (1929–2021), one of the leading researchers of folk art, Doctor of Art History, Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR. From 1963 to 2019, she headed the Folk Art Department of the Russian Museum. The exhibition features a variety of items related to Irina Boguslavskaya’s research activities, many artworks, such as items of peasant everyday life, handicrafts etc.
Karl the Great. 225th Anniversary of the Artist’s Birth
18 October 2024—12 May 2025
The anniversary exhibition of “Karl the Great”. Karl Brullov needs no special introduction. He was the only Russian classical artist of the 19th century who gained fame in Europe in his lifetime and worldwide recognition after his death. He certainly had natural gift for painting. Moreover, he was a highly qualified professional of brilliant and fascinating personality. Only Brullov was honoured with a kind of title “Karl the Great” that showed the appreciation and admiration of his colleagues, art connoisseurs, and students during his lifetime.
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The State Russian Museum
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