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/ Events


Lecture&concert "Birth of St. Petersburg. Music of the court and urban life"

Lecture&concert "Birth of St. Petersburg. Music of the court and urban life"

24 January 2016—24 January 2016  > Russian Museum

The lecture will be held in Russian language

Lecture "The Structure of the Artistic Image"

Lecture "The Structure of the Artistic Image"

22 January 2016—22 January 2016  > Russian Museum

The lecture will be held in Russian language.

Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

21 January 2016—21 January 2016  > Russian Museum

21 of January 2016 ensemble "Soloists of Catherine the Great" with the programme "Italians in Russia" will perform baroque music in the Stroganov Palace

Lecture "Treasures of Ancient Russia"

Lecture "Treasures of Ancient Russia"

15 January 2016—15 January 2016  > Russian Museum

On 15th of January 2016 at 3 p.m. in the West guardhouse of St Michael's Castle curator of exhibition "Treasures of Ancient Russia" Svetlana Novakovskaya-Buchman continued report about the unique exhibits of the State Russian Museum, which is being held in the halls of St Michael's Castle.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day

29 November 2015—29 November 2015  > Russian Museum

Benois Wing, Column Hall (2 Griboyedov Canal)

Lecture "The Ivanov Family"

Lecture "The Ivanov Family"

29 November 2015—29 November 2015  > Russian Museum

The lecture will be held in Russian language.

Music&literary evening "Comedy of manners"

Music&literary evening "Comedy of manners"

19 November 2015—19 November 2015  > Russian Museum

Performance was dedicated to the history of the three famous paintings of Pavel Fedotov.

International Conference "Museum and Education: Context and prospects of cooperation"

International Conference "Museum and Education: Context and prospects of cooperation"

18 November 2015—20 November 2015  > Russian Museum

18-20 of November 2015 international conference "Museum and Education: Context and prospects of cooperation" which dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Centre of museum pedagogics and children's creativity department will take place in the Russian Museum.

Animated Castle quest

Animated Castle quest

16 November 2015—16 November 2015  > Russian Museum

Animated Castle quest for pupils, students of Construction College and students of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping took place in the Mikhailovsky Castle

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The Russian Museum recommends
Collection highlights
Collection highlights

The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


Virtual tours
Virtual tours

Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


Online Shop
Online Shop

In the online shop of the Russian Museum presented a huge range of souvenirs, illustrated editions and multimedia disks.

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Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps

Google PlayApp Store
