10 November 2020—11 November 2020 > Russian Museum
The Multimedia Centre of the Russian Museum holds the International research and practical conference “The Digital Projects in the Sphere of Culture during Pandemic: Changing Patterns of Interaction” on 10-11 November 2020. The participants of the conference will share their experience of forming a new culture of using of digital technologies in the activities of their institutions.
New time table. October 16 - 30
16 October 2020—30 October 2020 > Russian Museum
Dear visitors! On October 16 - 30 halls № 201 - 208 closed due to technical reasons. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Culture and Media. Experiencing XXI century
2 July 2020—2 July 2020 > Russian Museum
The Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and Gamma_PRO are co-organizers of the annual international conference on culture and technology, united by the common theme “Culture and Media. Experiencing 21st Century.” The partnership of the Russian Museum with Gamma festival, the world's largest museum of Russian art, has the goal of cooperation in the field of multimedia cultural production and implementation of joint educational activities.
The International Museum Day on May 18!
18.05.2020. 00:47 > Russian Museum
ICOM selects each year for International Museum Day a theme that is at the heart of the concerns of society.
With the theme Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion.
09.05.2020. 13:49 > Russian Museum
May 9, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This remarkable date once again reminds us of the lessons of the past, heroic and tragic episodes of Russian history in the twentieth century. The large time distance that separates us from the victorious May of 1945 encourages us to look for its honest sense, avoiding stamps and bold intonations in the reflection of the war theme. It is not by accident that the main idea of the exhibition is Memory - historical, family and personal. A convincing embodiment of this memory became the work of the artists, for whom the harsh drama of war was an inherent part of their personal biography.
The international contest, “Art of 3D Graphics,”
26 April 2020—26 April 2020 > Russian Museum
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the hosts of the Art of 3D Graphics Contest extended the submission period to May 31, 2020. There’s no fee to enter and any 3D artist can participate. NVIDIA supporting the contest with a special category.
25 April 2020—25 April 2020 > Russian Museum
April 25, 1895 Nicholas II signed a decree on the establishment in St. Petersburg of the "Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III." The collection of Alexander III and formed the basis of the Russian Museum
Viva director of the Russian Museum!
25 April 2020—25 April 2020 > Russian Museum
Russian museum team congratulates director of the Russian museum Vladimir Gusev with his birthday!
The State Russian Museum closed.
10.04.2020. 18:00 > Russian Museum
Dear visitors! The State Russian Museum closed. This measure is intended to minimise the spread of the coronavirus. We thank you for your understanding. Online tickets booked in advance for museum visits and events will be reimbursed. Ticket return procedure see to item 7.7.
The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.
Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)
In the online shop of the Russian Museum presented a huge range of souvenirs, illustrated editions and multimedia disks.
Be informed about news, events and exhibitions of the Russian Museum
© 2015
The State Russian Museum
Site development: Projector.media
The Russian Museum is the exclusive owner of all the interior images and pieces of art of the Russian Museum collection, as well as all the images and text information given on its official site. The usage of the texts and images provided on the site is only allowed with the permission of the Russian Museum.