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/ Events


“Delicate instruments of engagement” performative action in the Benois Wing

“Delicate instruments of engagement” performative action in the Benois Wing

20 July 2017—21 July 2017  > Russian Museum

On 20 and 21 July from 2 p.m. till 6 p.m. “Delicate instruments of engagement”, ongoing performative action by Alexandra Pirici (Romania) will be shown in the Russian Museum, the Benois Wing. Entrance is with the museum tickets.

July 13. Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

July 13. Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

13 July 2017—13 July 2017  > Russian Museum

On July 13 we are pleased to invite you to the Jazz concert in the Stroganov Palace: Kristina Kovaleva's quintet with the participation of John Marshall. The concert starts at 7.00 p.m.

June 29. Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

June 29. Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

29 June 2017—29 June 2017  > Russian Museum

On June 29 we are pleased to invite you to the Jazz concert in the Stroganov Palace: Swing Couture Ensemble. The concert starts at 7.00 p.m.

MolOt ensemble of St. Petersburg on the Imperial Gardens of Russia Festival

MolOt ensemble of St. Petersburg on the Imperial Gardens of Russia Festival

16 June 2017—16 June 2017  > Russian Museum

On June 16 at 7 p.m. the MolOt ensemble of St. Petersburg will perform on the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia Festival. The entrance is with the tickets to the festival.

Program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

Program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

9 June 2017—18 June 2017  > Russian Museum

Cultural program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival. 

Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

9 June 2017—18 June 2017  > Russian Museum

The Imperial Gardens of Russia Festival will celebrate its 10th year in the Mikhailovsky Garden of the Russian Museum from 9 to 18 June 2017, tickets for which can be purchased only at St. Petersburg KASSIR.RU outlets. 

June 3 and 4. City of Masters festival in the Summer Garden

June 3 and 4. City of Masters festival in the Summer Garden

3 June 2017—4 June 2017  > Russian Museum

On June 3 and 4 from 12 a.m. to 6 p.m. an annual festival for children "City of Masters" will take place in the Summer Garden. The entrance is free for all visitors!

Opening of Hunt Slonem exhibition

Opening of Hunt Slonem exhibition

26 May 2017—26 May 2017  > Russian Museum

From May 25 the exhibiton of american neoexpressionist painter Hunt Slonem is opened in the Marble Palace.

May 20. Museum Night in the Summer Garden

May 20. Museum Night in the Summer Garden

20 May 2017—20 May 2017  > Russian Museum

Dear guests, on May 20 (Saturday) the Museum Night will pass in St. Petersburg. The Russian museum invites you to take part in our programme in the Summer Garden from 6 to 11 p.m.!

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The Russian Museum recommends
Collection highlights
Collection highlights

The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


Virtual tours
Virtual tours

Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


Online Shop
Online Shop

In the online shop of the Russian Museum presented a huge range of souvenirs, illustrated editions and multimedia disks.

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