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/ Events


Music of the Summer Garden

Music of the Summer Garden

28 August 2016—28 August 2016  > Russian Museum

For many years a project "Music of the Summer Garden" is organized for citizens and visitors of St Petersburg. The last concert of this season will pass on 28 August, 16.00 on the main avenue of the Summer Garden. The entrance is free.

Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

Musical Thursdays in the Stroganov Palace

18 August 2016—18 August 2016  > Russian Museum

On 18 August Sweet Hot Jazz Band collective will perform in the Stroganov palace with the programme of 1920-50s jazz compositions and contemporary songs.

Opening of the exhibition "Sylvester Schedrin and School of Posillipo"

Opening of the exhibition "Sylvester Schedrin and School of Posillipo"

12 August 2016—12 August 2016  > Russian Museum

On 11 August 2016 the exhibition of a great Russian landscape master Silvester Schedrin and Italian artists from Posillipo school opened in St. Michael's Castle. The exhibition will held until 14 November 2016.

Russian museum selfie contest

Russian museum selfie contest

11 August 2016—11 August 2016  > Russian Museum

Dear guests, from 1 July to 15 August take a selfie on the exhibition "My own self. Self-portrait in the Russian museum" and it will be your chance to take part in the special contest!

Marc Chagall has arrived in Málaga

Marc Chagall has arrived in Málaga

15 July 2016—15 July 2016  > Russian Museum

On 14 July the paintings of Marc Chagall has arrived in Málaga. From July 20 to November 6 2016 the exhibition “Marc Chagall and his Russian contemporaries” will take place in the Art Center "Tabacalera" (the branch of the Russian Museum in Málaga). 

Exposition of Ivan Aivazovsky is closed from July to December 2016

Exposition of Ivan Aivazovsky is closed from July to December 2016

11 July 2016—11 July 2016  > Russian Museum

Dear guests, exposition of Ivan Aivazovsky is closed from July to December 2016 due to participation of paintings from this collection in the exhibition in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Classic music in the Summer Garden

Classic music in the Summer Garden

3 July 2016—3 July 2016  > Russian Museum

On 3 July from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. special marathon of the classic music will pass in the Summer Garden. The entrance is free.

City festival "Dostoevsky Day" in St Michael's Castle

City festival "Dostoevsky Day" in St Michael's Castle

2 July 2016—2 July 2016  > Russian Museum

Dear guests, on 1 and 2 July 2016 in St Petersburg will take place a big city festival "Dostoevsky Day". On 2 July the Russian museum organise a special program in St Michaels Castle.

Opening of the exhibition "My own self. Self-portrait in the Russian museum" in the Benois Wing

Opening of the exhibition "My own self. Self-portrait in the Russian museum" in the Benois Wing

30 June 2016—30 June 2016  > Russian Museum

On 29 June the most complete exhibition of self-portraits in the Russian art history opened in the Benois Wing. The exhibition comprise more than 200 works from the collection of the Russian museum.

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The Russian Museum recommends
Collection highlights
Collection highlights

The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


Virtual tours
Virtual tours

Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


Online Shop
Online Shop

In the online shop of the Russian Museum presented a huge range of souvenirs, illustrated editions and multimedia disks.

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Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps

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