
Crimea in photographs of 1880-1910-s from the collection of the Russian Museum, From the cycle "Travelling around the Russian Empire"

Ivan Barshchevsky. Kerch. View of Mitridat mountain. 1888. Albumen print
3 February 2016—31 May 2016

It is more than two centuries that the territory of the Crimean peninsula forms part of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia. The main interest to Crimea evolved in 1880-s with the works of Russian photographers - those from the photography workshops of Yalta (I. Nostits, F. Orlov, I. Semenov) and Sevastopol (K. Kolpakcheev, S. Rainish) and those who were coming to Crimea with scientific and archeological expeditions (I. Barschevsky, V. Mashukov). During their trips to the peninsula these and other professionals or amateurs were making pictures of the natural and architectural highlights of Crimea. The beginning of the XX century saw rise of the interest to this subject due to the intense tourism to the peninsula and rising popularity of photographic postcards. The Russian museum exhibition provides an opportunity to see the rare and unique photographs made in various genres, format and technique. Specific attention is given to the work of the prominent Russian photographer Ivan Barschevsky (1851-1948), who visited Crimea in 1888 with the exhibition of Imperial Moscow Archeological Society and made pictures of Bakhchysarai and its environs. This virtual stroll around the Crimean peninsula opens the cycle "Travelling around the Russian Empire" that will present the best pieces of the Russian historical photography from the collection of the Russian museum.

Konstantin Kolpakcheev (Kolpakchi). St. Vladimir’s Cathedral and lane with ancient columns in the garden of Chersonese Monastery. 1880’s.  Albumen print Unknown photographer. Bay of Balaklava. Not earlier than 1882. Albumen print Unknown photographer. Uchan-Su. 6 August 1912. Sheet from the photo album of Ender artist family. Collodion print Ivan Barshchevsky. Iron Door of Khan Mengli Giray. 1888. Albumen print Unknown photographer. Sebastopol. Tsar’s Pier. 1906. Phototypie Kordovsky & Dressler  One-color photograph Ivan Barshchevsky. Сhufut-Kale. Outside view of Karaite Synagogue. 1888. Albumen print

“He Conquered Both Time and Space...” 225th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s Birth

“He Conquered Both Time and Space...” 225th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s Birth

7 June 2024—24 March 2025

This is the first ever large-scale exhibition held in the Russian Museum to address the genius of Russian and world culture, whose anniversary will be an international event. The museum rich depositories enable to characterize the oeuvre of the great writer most fully and diversely and to reconstruct the cultural and historical background, which witnessed the formation and heyday of Pushkin’s unique talent.


Military Parades: Porcelain and Watercolour

Military Parades: Porcelain and Watercolour

15 December 2023—13 May 2024

The exhibition is dedicated to a hundred-year-old tradition of producing decorative “military plates” depicting imperial army uniforms. Besides plates, the exhibition includes drawings and lithographs that served as sources or preliminary studies for paintings by such famous artists of the “uniform” genre.

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