
Mikhail Tsybasov

22 November 2004—23 January 2005
The exhibition of Mikhail Tsybasov's works celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the Leningrad artist, one of Pavel Filonov's favourite students. The exhibition includes 43 works of graphic art and 19 works of painting. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with the Karelian Republican Museum of Fine Arts.
“He Conquered Both Time and Space...” 225th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s Birth

“He Conquered Both Time and Space...” 225th Anniversary of Alexander Pushkin’s Birth

7 June 2024—24 March 2025

This is the first ever large-scale exhibition held in the Russian Museum to address the genius of Russian and world culture, whose anniversary will be an international event. The museum rich depositories enable to characterize the oeuvre of the great writer most fully and diversely and to reconstruct the cultural and historical background, which witnessed the formation and heyday of Pushkin’s unique talent.


Military Parades: Porcelain and Watercolour

Military Parades: Porcelain and Watercolour

15 December 2023—13 May 2024

The exhibition is dedicated to a hundred-year-old tradition of producing decorative “military plates” depicting imperial army uniforms. Besides plates, the exhibition includes drawings and lithographs that served as sources or preliminary studies for paintings by such famous artists of the “uniform” genre.

Also in the Russian Museum
The Russian Museum recommends
Collection highlights
Collection highlights

The collection of masterpieces, chosen by the Russian Museum will allow you to make a first impression of the collection of the Russian Museum.


Virtual tours
Virtual tours

Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


Online Shop
Online Shop

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