
/ / / Program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival
Opening hours
The Mikhailovsky Garden

Monday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Mikhailovsky Palace, Benois Wing are open until 8:p.m.
Tuesday The Museum is closed
Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Ticket offices close 30 minutes earlier

Getting here
The Mikhailovsky Garden, St. Petersburg
Metro - Gostiny Dvor, Nevsky Prospekt

Program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival - Events

Program of the Xth Imperial Gardens of Russia International Festival

9 June 2017—18 June 2017

9 June (Friday)

2:00 pm The Mikhailovsky Garden opens for visitors

3:00 pm Master class “Avant-Garde and a Synthesis of Arts: Collage” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series from the FO-MI company (Larisa Reshetova, florist)

4:00 pm Scientific edutainment show “The Chemical Palette of Knowledge” by Physic’sLand, a student club from the University of Information Technology, Mechanics, and Optics

5:00 pm Presentation of the project “The Movement of Blue: A Russian/German Encounter”, with the participation of the creators of the project and Lorelei, a German song ensemble

9:00 pm AKHE Engineering Theater: performance of the play Foam of Days. *Masleny Meadow

10 June (Saturday)

1:00 pm Master class “Suprematism: Bouquets from Vegetables” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Anna Nazarova, “Ochen’ Khorosho”)

2:00 pm Scientific edutainment show “The Physics of the Creation of Beauty” by Physic’sLand

5:00 pm “Avant-Garde Online: How Are Avant-Garde Art and Modern Technology Connected?” Presentation of the online encyclopedia of the Russian avant-garde by the curator of the project, Alexander Kremer

6:30 pm Performance “Wolf tango – HARAM” by the avant-garde theater Derevo (Anton Adasinsky, artistic director) *Masleny Meadow

7:00 pm Concert by Alexander Manotskov and the Courage Quartet.

11 June (Sunday)

12:00 pm Awards ceremony for participants in the Avantgardens exhibition. With the participation of the Debut vocal studio (Marina Temkina, artistic director) and the Poyushchie Ruki gesture singing studio (Marina Durkina, artistic director)

1:00 pm Master class “Surrealism” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series

2:00 pm “Path of Artists”, project from the Excursion and Lecture Department of the Russian Museum: master classes by St. Petersburg artists for children and adults with the participation of the pupils of St. Petersburg art studios.

“Russian Fairground Fun”, program with folklore-related games (Kitezhgrad Ethnocultural Center at the Izmailovsky Children’s House of Art)

5:00 pm Lecture, “Malevich, Mondrian, and Kandinsky: Utopia, Pragmatism, and Eternal Flowering”. Lecturer: Alexei Boiko, PhD in Art History, staff member at the Russian Museum, docent at St. Petersburg State University

6:30 pm Performance “Wolf tango – TEPLOKROVNYE” by the theater Derevo *Masleny Meadow

7:00 pm Concert by the Volkov Trio musical collective

8:00 pm Choral naumachia (performance on the water). Staging of Velimir Khlebnikov’s supertale “Zangezi”. Joint project by Gleb Ershov, Pyotr Bely, Vladimir Rannev, Sofia Azarkhi, Andrei Rudyev, Ilya Grishayev, Semyon Motolyanets, Lera Lerner, students of the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University, and graduates of PRO ARTE.

* Path by Large Pond: 2:30 pm­–8:00 pm “Plein Air in the Mikhailovsky Garden”, project by Excursion and Lecture Department of the Russian Museum: Avantgardens Flash Exhibition of Children’s Drawings

12 June (Monday)

Russia Day

12:00 pm Dance music concert “I Just Catch the Sound of Polka in the Distance” by young musicians from the Art Liniya Foundation for the Support of the Arts (Tatyana Malysheva, artistic director)

2:00 pm Master class “Constructivism: Botanical Drawing” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Elena Smirnova, FO-MI)

3:00 pm Scientific edutainment show by Physic’sLand

4:00 pm “Sculpture in the Garden”. Dialogue between the artist Vladimir Zagorov and the art historian Alexei Boiko

6:00 pm Concert by Alexei Aigi and the ensemble 4’33’’

13 June (Tuesday)

2:00 pm Master class “Expressionism: A Panel Painting from Moss” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Ekaterina Nikolayeva, florist)

3:00 pm Scientific edutainment show by Physic’sLand

4:00 pm Lecture, “Performance in the Garden: Episodes from History and Contemporary Practice”. Lecturer: Roman Osminkin, researcher, poet, art critic

6:30 pm Concert, “Travels in the Silver Age and the World of the Avant-Garde”: Marina Morozova (soprano), Tatyana Savinova (piano)

8:30 pm Igor Baskin and D-Sound Project, “Concert for Malevich”

14 June (Wednesday)

Ecology Day (part of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation)

11:00 am–4:00 pm “Ecoenviron”, program by the Northwest Center for the Support of Ecological Education

– performances by children’s artistic collectives, ecological tales and entertainment, fashion shows

– showing of films by the winners of the From the Year of Cinema to the Year of Ecology film competition

– master classes and presentations

– information table on recycling by the RazDelny Sbor Association (12:00 pm–6:00 pm)

– “City of Artists” program (12:00 pm–4:00pm)

Rossi Pavilion 12:00 pm–6:00 pm GreenLab site. ART I SHOK Computer Graphics School: the creation of ecological graffiti, art master classes

Children’s playground 12:00 pm–4:00 pm Ecological children’s games “We Comprehend the Secrets of Nature”

4:00 pm Scientific edutainment show “What Comes to Mind” by Physic’sLand

5:00 pm Master class “Paper Flowers” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Evdokia Aseyeva, FO-MI)

15 June (Thursday)

1:00 pm Master class “Organic Direction: Florarium” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Oksana Stoyan, FO-MI)

3:00 pm Scientific edutainment show by Physic’sLand

4:00 pm Lecture, “The Landscape Architecture of a Megapolis in the Late 20th and Early 21st Century (Russia, Germany, and Austria): Traditions of the Avant-Garde in Contemporary Contexts”. Lecturer: Alexei Sholokhov, docent at the Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, St. Petersburg

7:00 pm “Second of the Sky”. Video program by Igor Baskin

16 June (Friday)

12:00 pm Language animation from drb – Der Blaue Reiter Café  (Russian-German Meeting Center Foundation for the Support and Development of Russian-German Relations)

1:00 pm Master class “Primitivism” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series

3:00 pm Scientific edutainment show by Physic’sLand

4:00 pm “Images of Gardens and Parks in the Paintings of Viktor Borisov-Musatov and the Blue Rose Artists”. Lecturer: Elena Stankevich, art historian and head of the Methodological Department of the Russian Museum

6:30 pm Ecological master class by drb – Der Blaue Reiter Café

7:00 pm Concert by Molotov Ensemble

8:00 pm Performance “Wolf tango – ZAVYAZ” by the theater Derevo  *Masleny Meadow

17 June (Saturday)

12:00 pm Architecture master classes from the Society of Young Architects: “The Architecture of the Avant-Garde in Models”. For children ages 4–7

1:00 pm Master class “Abstractionism” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series (Olga Kulakova, florist)

2:00 pm Architecture master classes from the Society of Young Architects: “Architectural Experiments”. For children ages 8–16.

4:00 pm Lecture, “‘Here Will Be a City Garden’: Decorative Projects of Revolutionary Urbanism”. Lecturer: Alexander Kibasov, philosopher, head methodologist of the Russian Museum

5:00 pm Lecture, “Signs of the Revolution: The Architecture of the Leningrad Avant-Garde”. Lecturer: Dmitry Simanovsky, translator and creator of the project

6:00 pm Performance “Wolf tango – SNAKE TIME” by the theater Derevo *Masleny Meadow

7:00 pm Concert by AVIA with the participation of the AVIA Acrobats under the direction of Anton Adasinsky

18 June (Sunday) 

12:00 pm Language animation from drb – Der Blaue Reiter Café

1:00 pm Master class “Futurism” from the Avant-Garde Floral Arts series

3:00 pm Scientific edutainment show by Physic’sLand

4:00 pm Lecture, “‘Flowers of the Universal Flowering’: The Art of Pavel Filonov”. Lecturer: Alexei Kurbanovsky, art historian, critic, head researcher of the Russian Museum

6:00 pm Festival closing ceremony

* Project №46:

4:00 pm «The Tree of Life»: tree planting  by PAO «Severstal» et PAO «Silovye machiny»

The events will take place on the main stage of the festival, the Terrace of the Mikhailovsky Palace (exceptions are marked with an asterisk [*])

* Rossi Pavilion

Master classes under the supervision of professional artists from the studio ART KONTAKT & KotARTis

Daily from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm

* Children’s playground

Project «They paint it there». The number of performances  of the group «Sever-7″ and students of the Academy of Arts

Events in the program are subject to change. Please refer to the website for the latest information

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Collection highlights
Collection highlights

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Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


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