
Memory - Events


09.05.2020. 13:49

May 9, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This remarkable date once again reminds us of the lessons of the past, heroic and tragic episodes of Russian history in the twentieth century. The large time distance that separates us from the victorious May of 1945 encourages us to look for its honest sense, avoiding stamps and bold intonations in the reflection of the war theme. It is not by accident that the main idea of the exhibition is Memory - historical, family and personal.

A convincing embodiment of this memory became the work of the artists, for whom the harsh drama of war was an inherent part of their personal biography. The exhibition features paintings, sculptures and graphics from the collection of the Russian Museum, made from 1945 to the 2010s. Many of the authors of the displayed works (A.Laktionov, E.Moiseenko, A.Mylnikov, V.Ivanov, G.Korzhev, G.Savinov and others) are the greatest masters of the Soviet and modern Russian art. These artists from different generations convincingly reveal the perception of the war events and the fates of its ordinary participants within the concept of Memory as the most important moral category.

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Russian Museum - one of the world's largest museums and is perhaps the only country where such a full treasure of national culture are presented.
Virtual tour of the museum complex. 2009 (Rus., Eng., Ger., Fin.)


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